Friday, August 5, 2011

Best Side Story? Grease 2011?

The song is lovely to begin with, and I like Best Coast in general. And while I had heard this video mentioned in passing (since it was directed by Drew Barrymore) I had not seen it. But then Miss Michael sent me a little email mentioning it, so I looked it up. I like the video - a classic theme, I love the hair, the outfits and the vibe (seriously wish my hair looked that big every day at work). Love that it's cinematic - I think more videos should go full on mini-movie. But I do think it's wildly predictable (can happen when you go with the tale-as-old-as-time thing). And the end 'twist' is mildly implausible (and I think, telegraphed from a mile away, it's not very twisty). But - watching Maeby and Troy and other mildly famous young people dress fun and look hot and brawl (more fighting in vids plz) is a win, overall.

From Michael:

Well, I found it on the which called the plot "reblob if u creyed" ... 
The plot is totally melodramatic and cliched, but the visuals are nice and I like the song itself. 

I think that sums it up.

"Our Deal" - Best Coast

Also can we agree that 'Day Trotters' is just a ridiculous (but charming) name?

And I would rant about the ridiculousness of the star-crossed lovers who die of stupid stupid stupid missed communications thing, and how people, just up and go don't make it this big thing (exile is not death, Romeo), but then we wouldn't have a huge chunk of movies and soap opera plots and etc... so I will spare you.

Guest curated posts make for a better mix, so keep your eyes peeled for good (or awful) videos and send them in.

1 comment:

  1. 20 the effect of songs on a heavy heart is compared to the action of "vinegar upon niter." This is usually explained by the fact that niter effervesces when acids ...
