Friday, June 17, 2011

I'm reading a book >:-|

Person I used to know posted this on fb (older man, posted it for his wife saying someone had finally put her thoughts into a song, heheh). I had not heard it, and I don't know who this Julian Smith character is, but he apparently has a bunch of other similarly random jokey videos up as well.

I both love and hate this - it's kind of grating, and yet it is exactly how I feel as well... I am first and foremost a book nerd, that's pretty much all I want to do in life (& listen to music, but mainly read books). In White Noise (Don DeLillo), I believe the main character says one of his ex wives 'reviewed fiction' as a part-time spy? Reading long novels with coded structures or something... Sounds like a great job to me.

Currently, everyone is swept up in Game Of Thrones fever because of the HBO TV adaptation, and I must confess that it irks me a little (even though I love it) because I started reading and loving it years ago, and had to suffer years between books in the series, and etc. And I've been telling everyone about it for years to lukewarm (if any) reception. Anyways, point of this additional overshare is that when I bought the first book, I happened to be between jobs and so I basically lay on the couch in my parents' living room and just read the book for 8 hours straight. And had to drive to the bookstore that night to get the next one. And did the same thing the next day. And I remember my mom being slightly worried (and annoyed) that I just couldn't do anything but lay there and read. The days passed like minutes, I swear. That's the power of a good book. It sucks you in. And putting a good book down? HARD. Irritating. Angering. Sometimes even a mediocre book is hard to put down. I would venture a guess that most (if not all) book people (no matter how otherwise mild-mannered) violently hate interruptions. So this video totally made me laugh and nod approvingly.

This theme is also appropriate for the #fridayreads meme, so Happy Friday everyone, I hope you're reading something great!

"Reading A Book - Julian Smith"

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