Friday, May 6, 2011

I'm Ready To Be Heartbroken

So my fb friend M shared this link the other day, and it's funny because I've never met her - she is besties with one of my besties and we are friends because we were supposed to be bridesmaids together last year - but apparently we have a lot of similar tastes, and this unfolds in things she posts that I then like and comment on. Like our shared love and appreciation of David Bowie's performance in Labyrinth. Despite needing it to stay in stalking contact with tiny circle of actual friends, I almost always feel like deleting my fb page because most of the people I used to know, don't care/I don't talk to anyways, so what's the point? But it is the little things, like bonding with almost-strangers over tightpantsed superhottievillians, and seeing people who have lovely eclectic tastes in music that sometimes brighten my outlook.

So she posted this: "Lloyd, I'm ready to be heartbroken" - Camera Obscura. Which happens to be one of my favorite songs, and the video is also pretty amusing. Some amusing dancing/retro-style goes on, and the singer kinda just stands there, slumpy, juxtaposing nicely. I like the whole vibe and the colors, not to mention the giant pink bear with bloody claws. The YT comments analyzing it (is it depressing vs. is she being brave and ready to love, etc) are also amusing.

If you haven't listened to much Camera Obscura, you should. Lovely, hazy, indie pop. Just the thing for summer days or drizzly drear.

This video goes for a slightly different retro vibe - as if the band was being filmed back then. I really like it. Quiet, but interesting enough. I generally like videos that do the homage to previous styles/genres/artists.

"Tears for Affairs" 

"French Navy" tells a tale of love, and in cute cinematic way. I would watch a movie of this.

"Let's get out of this country" -  Sometimes we all feel this way,  and the video puts action to the sentiment of leaving.  "...We'll find a cathedral city, you can convince me I'm pretty...."

Anyone brave enough to comment, please share what music/videos people have posted to fb or blogged about/etc that have warmed your heart because you loved them too.

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