Friday, June 1, 2012

Every sentence has its cost

Going through some of my older songs. Trying to find ones I was obsessed with, which led me to one of my first posts here, which included old fav by Maximo Park. So then I had to go listen to some bits from their albums, and some video searching. And they have a new album coming out that I am eagerly awaiting.

And then I remember that I had RT'd the video from the new single a few days/weeks ago? So I should probably be posting that here as well (though I don't keep up with every thing I RT).  It's cute. Lots of dancing around by a very British boy.

"Hips and Lips"

Because let's be real, sometimes you just need to watch some dancing/thrashing around. "Our Velocity" has that energy (and some to spare).

"Going Missing" has some nice thrashing as well (undressing, hitting things, jumping, seated, I love the twitching... when I saw them live there was also awesome dancing. They are not afraid of committing to the the crazy dance. And far, far, far, above average face-making. I adore that. Gold stars.)

"Books from Boxes" is less dance-able (given the subject matter), but only slightly less so. I love how she seems to float/slide in front of him the whole time, especially the bit from 1:11-1:29 where they appear to be in some kind of old-fashioned garden/cemetery or something... it's very romantically bleak.

They go a bit introspective with "The Coast is Always Changing"  - I am young and I am lost.

Anyhoo, that's it for now. For my few loyal readers, heads up - posting will be even more sporadic than usual through June.

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