Friday, October 15, 2010

He's an X-box, and I'm more Atari

I have been home sick for a few days with a terrible cold. I dragged myself into work for a few hours this morning then gave up and came back home. Luckily, it's a Friday (a lot less people) so hopefully I didn't spread the germs too much, hehe. Yeah, so my head's not in the game. But I have watched a lot of music videos from the couch.

And this one is fabulous anyways, I probably should have posted it the second it came out. A delightfully catchy song, and the video is super entertaining as well. I also liked the trailer version for this that came out earlier that was just the words. Very cool vibe, love the outfits and backup singers, the whole thing is just fab. It has a sense of style and of humor, which is a rare combo. I think everyone can identify with the sentiment = masterpiece.

If you are offended by 'language' you might want to skip this one, also might be mildly NSFW for the same reasons, LOL.

"Fuck You" - Cee Lo Green

1 comment:

  1. Yes! This is such a fun song, and I do like the little story the video tells.
