Friday, March 25, 2011

She Wolves?

I know I haven't posted in a while. Getting back from even the tiniest of mini-breaks really throws off my routine. I spent a couple too-short days at the beginning of the month in CA visiting family and friends for my birthday and enjoyed just about every second of it. Practically perfect in every way. Even got to go to Disneyland on the actual day. And later, karaoke with old (&new) friends! Including the always delightful Miss_Michael, YAY! And I have some great memories and pictures, thankfully, which will hopefully comfort me on these cold rainy days up here. Although today is a gorgeous almost warm day with large patches of blue sky, so I can't complain about being back.

I was watching some music videos the other day and it was a "40 sexiest" which to me generally never come off as all that sexy (see also: my Fiona Apple post; yes there's sexy there in Criminal but I think also a lot of depression, not that it's mutually exclusive). The one bit that I saw had two very decidedly unsexy videos (for my tastes), so then I changed the channel and went back to Star Trek.

And I know that this is highly subjective - everyone has their own views on what construes sexiness, and are completely entitled to their own thoughts and pursuit thereof. I think music videos are often mainly aimed at what straight men find sexy, and as a straight woman, and also someone educated - a writhing female body just doesn't do it for me. I prefer some story, some reasons... IDK. I can't name off the top of my head right now videos that I consider sexier. Just that I know what I like and that these aren't it.

The first one was "Love & Sex & Magic"Ciara (ft. Justin Timberlake) 

MEH. I don't find JT attractive like this... and I can barely tell who Ciara is, as half the time her face is in shadow. I find the whole thing very very generic. Like, ohhh what would be sexy? Zebra bodysuit! Wigs! Snap her panties! Pass.

This one and the next one - "She Wolf" - Shakira  - share a lot - women in animal print or as animals, cages/bars, and not being very sexy (again, some of you might have a very different point of view.)

To me, these two videos just come off as trying too hard, and in the case of the Ciara video, completely based on what a guy in a rap video might like in a girl. At least in Shakira's video there is no doubt in your mind that it is a Shakira video, and she is dancing and "letting the She-Wolf out" for herself - so that's good. Slightly more empowered, maybe.  I just find this whole video very dorky in theme and execution. Yes, she is hot and she certainly has enviable powers of shaking it... but then she's dancing in a bad ice-dancing outfit on a clearly fake roof... plus the fake-howl "ahhwhooo" really just kills it all for me.

Shakira is kind of hit or miss - I think she at least always comes off as having a good time, and you know who you are watching. I think this video by her is much better - I think because you kinda see a hint of story and that's pretty important to me... guy watching her, cheating, etc... so yeah. And it still has random shaking while covered in motor oil - so there's something for everyone. Hehe. Also, some completely ridic sitting while chopping onions.

"La Tortura" - Shakira ft. Alejandro Sanz

Also I like Hips Don't Lie - Thought not necessarily sexier, I think it's super happy and fun, and there's a small mummy boy (not sexy just random)... Also I like Wyclef Jean. So that doesn't hurt. Here the line that annoys me is when she says she can she his body moving "half animal half man" LOL. What is he, a centaur? (Note: I *do* know that is not at all what she means.)

Anyone have thoughts on this matter? Or good examples of sexier videos? Feel free to speak up.
And I freely admit that I wish I could shake like Shakira, so it's not about being secretly jealous =)


  1. First, what are you talking about? I ALWAYS sit barefoot on the counter when I'm chopping onions.

    Anyway, I agree that the two videos cited aren't really sexy. I think the only thing remotely sexy about the Ciara video is the close-ups of their faces . . . it offers the tension of them nearly touching, which is, at least potentially, sexy.

    The She-Wolf video bothers me mostly because of the weird nude outfit. While the suggestion that she's totally naked should be hot, it ends up just being weird because a naked person SHOULD NOT have a crotch that looks like Barbie's.

    That said, I understand why any Shakira video makes the list because, as you mentioned, girl can shake it and she looks good in general.

    I'm at a loss for thinking of videos I currently find sexy, but I can say that at the age of 12 I found the video for Glycerine by Bush to be the sexiest thing ever. In fact, before that, I had never really used (or even thought) the word sexy.

    Looking at it now, it's not really sexy, although I guess there is the back of a half-naked woman if that's your thing. But I didn't even remember that part. I remembered Gavin, a red shirt, and a guitar. Now that I think about it, I guess I still think the combination of those three things is still pretty sexy, 15 years later.

  2. Oohh yes. I love me some Gavin. That video also caught me at the exact right age; fond memories! Also the song has cellos and classical strings in rock is sexy.
