Sunday, May 15, 2011

There's An Orchestra In Me

Well as we all detoxify from a Eurovision terrible, glittery pop hangover, let's refresh ourselves with something slightly different for the week ahead.

I was trying out various mixes in my car this morning and came across a favorite I haven't heard in a while - The Servant. These songs "Liquefy" and "Orchestra" have a way of earworming into my head - and they have been happily percolating around in there all day. Which is good, because all last week at work the unfortunate song stuck in my head was The Longest Time - Billy Joel. Not that I have anything against Mr. Joel, especially at certain times, and the song is not bad in and of itself in its own old-timey way; but it is extremely annoying after two or three days of incessant doo-wopping.

Note: the face-making in all these videos is GOLD.

Let's start with Billy Joel so that you can share the horror. The video has a man at the remains of his high-school reunion, then his friends(?) come back and they wander around the school, singing and snapping. Not a bad idea for a retro styled song.

Ok, if you are still with me - now on to the palate cleanser, a little something good to marinate in all week. The video for Liquefy is simple - black and white, inky paintings appear around them, they stand and play and dance around a little. It's cuter than it sounds. And, trivia tidbit - who was the vocalist? Dan Black - whose current solo work and lovely video for "Symphonies" (both w/ and w/o Kid Cudi) I also love and have discussed before.

Liquefy - The Servant found on Pop

In the next video, for "Orchestra" - they are in a shed (metaphor??? LOL), and there is a lot of really adorkable dancing to warm your heart (and to carry you through this next week), despite the slightly melancholy lyrics.

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