Friday, May 20, 2011

Songs for the end of the world?

I don't get the amount of buzz about this whole stupid predicted rapture thing - anyone even vaguely familiar with the Bible knows that:

"But of that day and hour knoweth no [man], no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only." Matthew 24:36

Regardless of the ridiculous crap out there, it makes for interesting music selections. Several radio stations had "Rapture Playlists" and etc. I just got tagged in a friend's fb post about end of the world songs.

So what songs are appropriate - 1) Songs about the end of course, but maybe also 2) Songs that you love so much that theyare what you want to be listening to while you fight off the onslaught of the Zombiepocalyptic horde.

The first song that popped into my head when pondering this was Do You Believe in Rapture - Sonic Youth. I love me some Thurston Moore. A lot. Fun concert story: I saw them play a free show at racetrack, and there was this fellow in the crowd in a black trench-coat who proceeded to take out a can of beefaroni/ravioli and eat it. With his fingers. Because he had remembered to put a can opener in his trench pocket, but not utensils. It was rather amazing. (Possibly I will share more concert stories if I remember good ones, I think if you go to enough shows you end up with a wealth of magical/horrific stories.)

Back to the song - obviously it has the appropriate theme and lyrics. It also has a dreamy mellow vibe that works well for the subject. The video is quiet, just them setting up/performing and some crowdshots.

Sticking with my beloved Sonic Youth, I think The Diamond Sea qualifies for me as one of the songs that I love so dearly I wouldn't mind hearing it for a last song (though it's not frantic enough to fight off the undead to; maybe for a slow-mo zombie hacking montage?). This song makes me think of my old friend Joe, who used to be the only person at our small church highschool youth group who had similar good (and eclectic) music tastes. He also loved this song.

I believe my favorite YT comment on this is:

When you are stoned and listen to this, your mind goes through a mistical dimension. It's incredible ^^

Then there's the more obvious choices like - End of the World - The Cure - sometimes anything can make you feel like it's the end of the world.

I would also recommend anything of Clem Snide, he writes a lot about these things (a reflective fellow) so he has a lot of thematically appropriate songs; plus I love him with my whole heart, I would gladly go to the grave/sky listening to his work. "Tiny European Cars" fits (couldn't find a clip, sorry). "End of Love" is not bad either (sample lyric: "no one will survive the end of love"). His "The Sound of German Hip Hop" hints that it is precisely about media drama about the end of things.

Lyric bits:
"Those who spoke of doom impending, suffering and such
Had found the place in peoples' heart that beauty had once touched..."

Perhaps the most appropriate of his songs about the end would be "Apocalyptic Friend" (vid is a live performance, not complete).

My dear apocalyptic friend, convinced the world will shortly end,
I only want to hold you in my arms
And whisper softly that it's alright, if God decides to kill the lights,
and back to stardust we return again...

I can't recommend Clem Snide/Eef Barzelay too highly. He's got this down.

Then I was thinking of what other "end" type songs I had in my iTunes, and I realized I had this gem. I think this might win. Who wouldn't want to spend any remaining time they had, with the one they loved? I could see this as a happy-sad ending to a movie, couple together, holding hands as the bombs start falling/zombies start breaking through. Face the end with someone by your side...

"Dance me to your beauty with a burning violin
Dance me through the panic till I'm gathered safely in..."

I love you, Leonard Cohen.

Enjoy your weekend, and the happy normalcy it will bring =)

And as always - if you have good ones to add - comment!

1 comment:

  1. I must admit, those are some good songs.
