Monday, July 16, 2012

If I was young, I'd flee this town

Another wasted weekend of laying about and reading and drinking my weight in tea (it was all thunderstormy and I didn't feel like going out). I have been trying to scope out if I can see any good shows in the near future, but I have reached the point in every hermit's life where I am in DIRE need of a new all-purpose concert buddy. It's a sad state.

One of the upcoming shows I want to see is Beirut, as they have been in pretty heavy rotation over here for quite some time. I am kind of picky about what I want to see live (what is worth the hassle? People at shows get more terrible every time I go. I think that's a sign of getting old.)  But Beirut = so much win. Strummy, folksy, excellent use of brass (!!), a little EasternEuroGypsyTrashy... all things I adore. Vehemently. Pretty sure at this point I would brave the PacNW hipster scene to see them.

"Elephant Gun" - oooh mustachio! Love the song, but I find this video just much too performance-artsy... as if they all brainstormed the most cliched things possible - lingerie and trucks then group dancing? O RLY? That's the best they could do? I guess since there's a lot going on in the music already, that I can (kind of) see the desire to match that in visual form... Or something. I don't care. I just love the troubled face of the singing mustache horn guy (especially that opening, preciously pained).  I could just watch him and be happy. 

"Postcards from Italy" - Another great song, but an even more meh video. I don't really care too much for music videos that are done like memories/clips, but that sort of goes with "postcards"... I guess I don't hate it. I just feel like it could be more interesting, tell more of a story... Favorite part is the spanking (1:46).

"Mimizan" - This appears on the lovely compilation album "Dark Was the Night".  Couldn't find a real video for this, but it doesn't matter, the song is just too good to pass up.

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