Tuesday, March 13, 2012

An honest verse of longing or a simple song of hope

There is no easy way to say it, but my beloved cat died over the weekend (which was also my birthday weekend), so I am not really with it... I was having a ton of fun beforehand (pre-birthday girls weekend in Vegas, etc) which explains some lag in posting as well, and now I am not really feeling any music at all, as I am just griefstricken. Music will still help me through, but it's going to take some time.

So that means music from Saddle Creek artists.

"Why is the Night Sad?" - Orenda Fink - her voice is so lovely and the song so haunting... I miss Alfie the most at night (he was a non-stop cuddler), so the whole sad/cold night thing... it speaks to me.

"Bowl of Oranges"  - Bright Eyes - A classic song. The first time I heard it, I knew I would love everything else by the artist. Because it is perfect. Also a cute video. I think I may have posted it a long time ago, but I have been listening to it a lot today while I was at work - the hopeful sentiment comes off as earnest but not cloying (a fine line) and how could I not love a song that suggests:

"When crying don't help, you can't compose yourself, it's best to compose a poem..."
(Preach on.)

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