Monday, March 26, 2012

Grey morning music

Home sick (I get every cold that goes around), so have been enjoying perusing The 405 (@The405) while intermittently coughing up a lung. I highly recommend it, they always feature great videos (and other tasty tidbits, interviews, etc.). The La Sera (Real Boy/Drive On is 2 videos for the price of one, and I already RT'd the latest Belle & Sebastian which is super cute). But I thought I'd share this one here as well - from The Kill Van Kulls, even if it's a little depressing... I really like the singer and the whole setup, as you kind of know what is coming, feel that inevitability of the future...

Friday, March 23, 2012

'Cause there are stars up above, we can start moving forward

The sun is actually out today! It means there IS hope after all. I've been in a funk and while I enjoy wallowing in sad music - eventually you gotta shake it off. It has been a long, hard (for me, personally), overly-eventful winter, so that means it's almost time for SPRING to appear, and with it, a slightly hopeful song.

"Lost In My Mind" - The Head and the Heart - Local Seattle band. Yay! I really like this video, it evokes wilderness and solitude, but also the quality of not actually being alone; hope; of being incredibly small, but also vast; cold, but with all the promise of warmth. Nothing like lights in the snow.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

An honest verse of longing or a simple song of hope

There is no easy way to say it, but my beloved cat died over the weekend (which was also my birthday weekend), so I am not really with it... I was having a ton of fun beforehand (pre-birthday girls weekend in Vegas, etc) which explains some lag in posting as well, and now I am not really feeling any music at all, as I am just griefstricken. Music will still help me through, but it's going to take some time.

So that means music from Saddle Creek artists.

"Why is the Night Sad?" - Orenda Fink - her voice is so lovely and the song so haunting... I miss Alfie the most at night (he was a non-stop cuddler), so the whole sad/cold night thing... it speaks to me.

"Bowl of Oranges"  - Bright Eyes - A classic song. The first time I heard it, I knew I would love everything else by the artist. Because it is perfect. Also a cute video. I think I may have posted it a long time ago, but I have been listening to it a lot today while I was at work - the hopeful sentiment comes off as earnest but not cloying (a fine line) and how could I not love a song that suggests:

"When crying don't help, you can't compose yourself, it's best to compose a poem..."
(Preach on.)