Thursday, October 6, 2011


Let's compare and contrast songs titled "Heartbreaker" - because I was going to share a Metronomy one in the last post since it was about them, but then I thought, well I also happen to LOVE the Mariah Carey one of the same name, possibly my favorite video by her... so then I did some YT'ing to find some others, and I thought it would be an interesting juxtaposition. What do they have in common?  (There is something to be examined about why they title the song Heartbreaker, when there are millions of songs on the subject of heartbreak and heartbreakers, just not all so clearly labeled as such.) I think they all (even the most subdued) tend to not be as sad or depressing as one might expect given the subject. If you watch these videos, they don't come off as mournful lamentations. More of statement of facts learned or applied or something come to terms with (or maybe even embraced - a lot of power is involved in the 'breaking'). All-in-all surprisingly upbeat (and some downright catchy). Which is a grand purpose of music, the pursuit of happiness, the turning of what could be conflicting and harrowing emotions into art - movement and sound and yes, even a little hopeful light.

by Metronomy  original video below. Or if you're into things being even a little more technodance-y, there is a Kris Menace remix (not a real video) which is also fun and that YT info contains a great comment about the original video, decide for yourself if that's true:
"Great British pop tune given a French touch by German producer Kris Menace. Be sure to watch the original video, which will make you want to buy a '84 Honda Accord and get some mormon friends..."  

by Mariah Carey - it's just so funny (and the outfits, so dated - that one girl sportin' the overallssss....). This just makes me think of the late 90s, and being in high school, it's all very dear to my heart... 1999! She makes very entertaining videos, I must confess. I need to devote a post to extolling them. This one has singing and dancing in a theatre, a cartoon bit ft. Jay-Z, the guy from Sliders, and to top it all of, a girlfight!  Such. A. Classic.

by MSTRKRFT (ft. John Legend) which has has a cute video wherein hoodlums (I love the one who clearly thinks he's channeling a young Moz) get up to hijinks in a store. I really like this song.

Do not stop watching the videos on this post without watching (and then sending The Republic of Korea a personal note of thanks for their amazing culture) this one by G-Dragon. I for SURE need to do a K-pop post now...

I am not a Peas fan, but is hard to dislike. However, the song is kinda meh, and the video not so stellar either, but there is some passable dancing and lights.

Non-video links: Girls; Dionne Warwick; Led Zeppelin (rockin')

And we can close with this, by the iconic Pat Benatar - this probably should have been the first entry on the list! I hope we all know this song. Love how powerfully she just stands and sings!

So, which one is your favorite? Or which one do you think best works with the title? Did one buck you up in time of trouble? Do you want to dress like G-Dragon? Any suggestions to add to the list ? I know it's not an exhaustive list, so if you have good ones (or bad, or mediocre) please share a link in the comments!

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