Saturday, July 30, 2011

Just A Yellow Lemon Tree

Sorry for the lack of recent posts. Real life sometimes gets in the way. I caught a cold on the way back from vacation, and I blame the plane that I was delayed on for hours - essentially just sitting/stewing in a giant expensive tube full of germs. And I returned just in time for crunch-time at work, and that was some drama. So I had no energy to do anything. I barely could manage going to work. But now things should be slowing for a little while, and summer also seems to have finally arrived - yesterday after a long day at work I went and played 'smashminton' at a friend's house all evening on the lawn, and it was summer-night perfection. Here's hoping it sticks around for a while.

To ease back into it, how about only one of the greatest songs ever? Despite the mention of a 'rainy Sunday afternoon' the sparkly notes make the song feel much sunnier and cheerier to me. And yet I do think it fits with my sick/slow/aggravated/isolated mood of late,
"nothing ever happens, and I wonder..."
But again, it feels hopeful to me. At least he sees a lemon tree, right? Lemon trees are awesome! And while admittedly dated, I think the video does a great job of capturing all this with the lights and the room (kinda love this gimmick), and the cityscape...

"Lemon Tree" - Fool's Garden 

Thoughts? Hopeful v. not hopeful? Am I just a ceaseless optimist in disguise?

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