Saturday, June 25, 2011

I am too tired to make up a good title today

I was drafting a whole post (more oversharing) about songs and feelings and whatnot, but it really needs a lot more editing-down and some non-sleepy logical connections, so it remains saved in the ether for another time.

To tide us over to a day when I've had a nap and maybe feel a little sprightlier, here's a cute little video. I can barely hear what the man is saying (quite mumbly), but I do like the synthiness and the fact that the video features a lot of blank windows/walls/doors... architecture can really set a mood. Plus, can anyone resist a xylophone????

"Gumboots Girl" - Milknaut


  1. Yes!Who doesn't love a xylophone. I liked the way they created movement with the architecture and the pavement. I also really liked the boots, covet them actually. :)

  2. Yep, super cute boots especially with the orange coat, it's a great look.
