Saturday, April 30, 2011

Pick your poison

Which version is less irritating? Let's play!

"Animal" - Neon Trees
I like this song, but this video I find grating. I think it's incredibly arrogant to feature them destroying art - no matter how boring/dull it's supposed to be - like their destruction is so much better? Cause their crap is so much "edgier" than what's out there? They're so much hipper that they're going to let loose with their neon paint and make things so much cooler? It's just tacky. I get the 'Animal' thing, but still, I find it lame. I like the slightly creepy turning of people into animals/animal-headed creatures, so that part is OK, but I think the whole thing just makes them look like trying-too-hard assholes. And again, I like the song, I just find the video makes me like it less.

But here's another version - where they do a lot of singing into the camera in a van strung with lights - I find it slightly less annoying. (But not by all that much. I still want to punch his hair in the face.) This version, at least, does not make me want to turn the song off/impact my liking of the song.

Now to a song that I love, that has two versions that I like - "Island in the Sun" - Weezer.
This is a lovely dreamy floaty piece of nearly perfect alt-pop.

The original version has them playing at wedding reception. This is my preferred version, as the backyard reception setting adds a layer of something more real/sad to a song about wanting to drift away on an island in the sun with someone else. Makes it all the more hopeful and promising. "We'll never feel bad anymore..." takes on a slightly wistful edge, I think it works perfectly with the song/vibe. Also, it reminds of growing up in San Diego.

The most played version however is the Spike Jonze one. Just them, and some adorable animals, and come on, who doesn't love bears and puppies! I feel this one just seems flatter. They play with animals. It's cute, but not interesting. It still goes OK with the song, I guess. And I don't hate it. I just like the first version better.

I'm sure there are more illustrations of video version. Please add them in the comments along with your thoughts/preferences!

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