Every year I make a limited number of Weezer Day cards for my friends. Because they are a lot of work to make and I am lazy, I even make people sign up for them so that only the reallllly interested get one, LOL. This year I was suffering from lack of inspiration right up until the very last possible day to make them so that I could send them off in time for the auspicious day (2-14)... But I think it was worth it to wait until it finally struck. Hope everyone had a rockin' Weezer Day, and celebrated with appropriate aplomb! Here's what they turned out like - everyone's was a smidge different and has it's own flaws and etc cause they are hand painted (ink, marker and watercolor).
But long live hugs! |
Here are a few songs from their most recent 2 albums,
Hurley and
Death to False Metal:
Memories - I am actually not a huge fan of the song. I think some of their newer stuff comes off as too contrived, and there's something annoying about his screaming. But not horrible. Just not a winner for me. Seems like it's made to be played for graduation montages or something.
Unbreak My Heart (cover, LOL) - I love whoever put the weezer version to the original vid.
I'm A Robot - I really like this song. So happy. A real video for this could be amazing (make it so, guys!)
Hope you do something exciting with your Presidents' Day! I am cleaning (and procrastinating).
I enjoyed getting my card when I got back yesterday! It was the only piece of good mail in two whole weeks (mostly I get circulars, credit card offers and solicitations for donations).